This game works best if the iPad screen is more tall than wide

Relax with an eccentric game of 90-ball bingo,

set in an English care home. Choose whether to try to get a line and then a house, or just try for a house. Your board is the first below. Click on a number on your board when the number is called. Click “line” when a row of your numbers has been called. Click “house” when all your numbers have been called. Click on a number again to take the mark off. Right-click on a number on your board to find out if the number has been called. Click on squares without numbers on your board to find out if we are playing for a “line” or “house”. Click “update” to find out which numbers have been called so far. You can see the boards of players sitting at your table.

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Size of settings:
How are these settings presented? Is a scrolled list box shown, suitable for an iPad or tablet (the “Small” choice)? Or are these settings left-aligned in tabs taking up less than half the width of a computer screen (“Medium”)? Or are the settings centred in tabs taking up most of the width of a small screen (“Large”)?
Turn this option off if you want to have a given number of players the next time you play. Remember to turn on the “Load saved settings at start of game” option in the “General” section and press the “Save” button at the bottom of the settings
Turn this option off if you want to see a fixed number of boards of your opponents the next time you play. Of course, you need to turn on the “Load saved settings at start of game” option in the next section (“General”) and press the “Save” button at the bottom of these settings
Position of called number:
Where are the numbers read out by the caller shown relative to your board?Left” means above left and “Center” means above in the middle. The nickname for the number (“clickety click” for 66) or the number in words is also shown. For “Left” or “Below left” the nickname is shown alongside the number (rather than above or below) taking up less room
Below left
Below center
Where the caller says things:
Above your board
Where are the messages shown (relative to your board) that wait for you to press a “Continue” button? For example, the caller may be checking the numbers of a player after she called “#”, or the caller may be saying a player has left. On a tablet, choosing “Above your board” means you are more likely to see the messages
Where players chat:
Above your board
Where are the messages shown (in relation to your board) that come and go and do not need you to press a “Continue” button? For example, a player may ask the caller to repeat the last number read out, or a player may say she almost has a “house”. Putting the messages “Above your board” can make your board (and what is below) move up and down more which can be annoying
Where the button for a message is:
Above message
Does the “Continue” button come above or below messages such as the caller saying a player has left or the caller checking the numbers when a player shouts “#”? You press the “Continue” button to proceed with the game. If the button is above then you are more likely to see the button on a tablet with a small screen
Where the button for the scores is:
Above scores
Is the “Continue” button above or below the scoreboard? You press the “Continue” button to leave the scoreboard so you can start another game. If you put the button above the scoreboard then you are more likely to see the button on a small screen like a tablet
Where the statistics with the scores are:
Above scores
Are the statistics above or below the scoreboard? The statistics might be put above the scoreboard when there are many players in the scoreboard. This might be when you are gathering statistics. One statistics is how many numbers are read out, on average, before a player has a
Where the charts with the scores are:
Above scores
Are the charts above or below the scoreboard? The charts might be put above the scoreboard when there are many players in the scoreboard. This might be when you are gathering statistics. One chart shows how many numbers were read out before players correctly called “line” or “house
Reverse boards?:
Your table
In real life, the boards of players sitting across the table from you face away from you. If you have lots of boards visible (not just the boards of players at your table) then set this option to “Yes” to make the boards face away from you. This reversing of boards only works on newer browsers
If the board of a player sitting at your table is highlighted (e.g. when they shout “#”) then does their board face you when normally their board faces away from you? This means you can see clearly the numbers on their board. For this to work, the “Highlight board, squares & numbers” option in the “Effects3” section of these setting must be on. The reversing of boards only works on newer browsers
If a player leaves who is sitting at your table then is her chair left empty or does the board of another player come into view? This only applies when the above “Reverse boards?” option is set to “Your table”. The reversing of boards only works on newer browsers
Are there more options on the first page? These options may be on a line below the main options. You can click a switch at the end of the main options to show or hide these extra options. On a touch-screen device no more options may be shown as there is less space
Can you press a key to: press a button, follow a link, set a checkbox, or focus on an input box? The keys to press are shown: at the end of the labels on buttons, at the right of the numbers on your board, and above the boards where you choose a new board. On Windows, with Chrome and Internet Explorer, you press “Alt” and the access key together. With Chrome, you press “Alt” and “Shift” and “E” (or “F”). On Windows with Firefox, you press “Alt” and “Shift” and the access key, all together. With Internet Explorer and Firefox, you may also need to press “Enter” afterwards once the item has the focus. With Safari, you press “control” and “option” and the access key, all together. See wikipedia for which keys to press for other browsers and platforms. You can “Tab” to settings options with no access key. The “spacebar” selects checkboxes. The “arrow” keys change radio buttons and sliders. Sometimes you may need to “click” on the game near the item which the access key activates. Chrome treats links as 'pop-ups' and may block them
Are there less moving elements on the screen? This option mostly turns off the animations and hides the small charts. This option is set if you ask for 'reduced motion' from your operating system
Is there a mostly black and white colour scheme? This option is set if you choose a 'high contrast' option in your operating system
Is there a black background? Is there lightly coloured (or white) text on a dark background? This option is set if you choose the 'prefers-color-scheme: dark' option in your operating system
Type of dark mode:
Is “dark mode” implemented by changing all the colours one-by-one or by using an “invert” filter? The “invert” filter does not work on Firefox
How much do players chat:
Players talk to the caller and other players in over 15 different ways. These include a player asking the caller to confirm the last number read out, saying that she nearly have a “house”, and telling a neighbour that she has the last number read out. If this option is set to “No” then players will not make mistakes
How often do players leave & join:
Players can leave and join between and during games. Players can also rejoin between games. If this option and the option “How much do players chat?” are set to “No” then every player has the same chance of winning
The program will mark your squares and shout when you have a “line” or a “house. The program does not make mistakes when playing for you. The game is played quickly with about half a second between the caller reading out numbers
Automatically start another game at the end of a game. Press “End” to stop. Press “Setup” to set other options to play games quickly, with less screen updates, with no chatting and with no animations. Press “Setup” to configure the game to quickly gather statistics. One statistic is how many numbers it takes to get a
Hide the “Line”, “House”, “Pause” and “Update” buttons that are normally shown during a game. This option only takes effect when the computer plays for you, marking your numbers and calling “line” or “house” for you. If the computer plays for you then these buttons are usually disabled or greyed out. This option can be used when gathering statistics, so that just the “End” button is visible. One statistic is the average number of balls read out before a player has a
If you save the settings then if your reload or refresh the game then the game will be set up like when you saved your settings
Pause after each word when printing what the players and the caller say, rather than printing a whole sentence at once. The screen is updated more frequently and the game may take longer to respond to your mouse clicks
In real life, players put a small transparent red button over the number on their board when the number is read out by the caller. Try to copy this. This may not work correctly on all browsers. Otherwise the whole square is colored in
When you click a number on your board, an orange button may appear. Is it round rather than square? This only works on newer browsers
To help you see where the mouse cursor currently is on your board, an outline is drawn around the number you are currently over. On slow computers, this may slow down the mouse movement over your board
To help you see whether the number on your board has been read out by the caller, a circle is drawn around the number in the list of numbers called out. On slow computers, this may slow down the mouse movement over your board. The circles are only shown when the “Are numbers called so far like balls?” option is on in this “Effects” section of these settings
Is there a list of the last few numbers read out by the caller and a list of all the numbers read out so far in numeric order?
Do the numbers called out so far have different colors?
Do the numbers called out so far have circles around them to look like the balls picked out by the caller in real life?
Are all the possible numbers shown in grey and then colored in when a numbers is called out? This may slow down the game a little and take up more space. This setting is the same as the “See all balls?” option that may be shown on the first screen
Is there a box which grows in size as more numbers are called out? There is also a count of the numbers called out so far, and counts of how many numbers it took to get a line and a house, with averages across all games included later
Between games, are all the players listed? The number of players is shown. The names of players are also shown if there are not too many players. The players are listed just above your board. The reason all the players are listed is to give an idea as to how many players there are whose boards are not shown. You may only be able to see the boards of players sitting at your table
During a game, is there a list displayed of the players whose boards are not shown? This list is also displayed when players leave or join at the start of a game. This list is displayed below any boards that are showing. The number of players with boards that are not shown is displayed. The names of players with boards that are not shown are also displayed if there are not too many such players. The boards of players may not be shown because the players are not sitting at your table and so you cannot see their boards clearly
Are the boards and buttons obscured when you look at the scores or the settings? This reminds you that the “Continue” button under the message does not work in the settings.This may not work
Are you using a touch screen device? If you are, then the long descriptions of options are toggled on and off, and the game will ask you to “press” items rather than “click” them. This setting is the same as the “Touch?” option that may be shown on the first screen
Are the boards, buttons, and text made larger for a device such as an iPad or tablet where you touch the screen rather than use a computer mouse? This setting is the same as the “Touch layout?” option that may be shown on the first screen
Can your board be reduced in size to fit the screen, at the start of a game with previously saved settings, or during a game when restoring settings? The game uses the value this option had when the settings were saved. If the settings were saved with an old version of the game that does not have this option, then the current (or default) value is used
If your board is too big to fit on the screen then reduce the size of your board. This may happen when you choose to have a screen layout suitable for touch-screen devices by setting the option in these settings. The setting here does not work when you load in settings that you saved previously. If you press the “Fit” button now, then the width of your board may be reduced now to make your board fit into the screen
Are there statistics near the scoreboard? One statistic is: how many numbers, on average, are read out by the caller before a player has a
Are there statistics with the progress bar? The progress bar is a box that gets wider as more numbers are read out by the caller. One statistic is:
Are there shadows under the bingo cards of the players? This works on most browsers
Do the numbers on the cards of the players appear to be raised up? This makes the numbers less clear. The numbers are not raised up in real-life. This only works on newer browsers
Are there shadows under the orange transparent buttons which players put over the numbers on their boards when the numbers are read out by the caller? This only works on newer browsers
Are there shadows under the numbers picked out by the caller? These shadows make the numbers less clear. This only works on newer browsers
Are shadows added to the circles drawn around the numbers called out this far so as to make the numbers look more like balls? To see these shadows, the “Are numbers called so far like balls?” option must be set on in the “Effects” section of these settings
Does the progress bar have a shadow under it? The progress bar is a box that gets longer as more numbers are read out by the caller. This shadow only works on newer browsers
Do the scoreboard and these settings pages have shadows under them? This only works on newer browsers
Do the messages and warnings have shadows under them? An example of a message is a player calling a “#”. One such warning reminds you to click on numbers on your board. These shadows only work on newer browsers
Are there shadows under the longer descriptions of settings such as this one, and under longer descriptions of errors such as when you try to restore settings when there are none saved? This only works on newer browsers
Can you quickly choose whether to have sound. A checkbox may be shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can say what sound you want to hear in more detail on the “Sound” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose whether to hear all the sounds. A checkbox may be shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can say what sounds you want to hear in more detail on the “Sound” section of these settings
Can you quickly say that you do not want players chatting or leaving or joining. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can say how much chatting you want in more detail on the “General” section of these settings
Can you quickly say that you do not want to see lots of animations?. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can choose which animations you see in more detail on the “Animations” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose whether to have shadows. Some shadows only work on newer browsers. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. If this checkbox is hidden then it is shown in the second list of checkboxes below. You can say which shadows you want in more detail on this “Effects2” section of these settings
Can you quickly say that you do not want round corners. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. If this checkbox is hidden then it is shown in the second list of checkboxes below. You can say how round the corners are on the “Sizes” section of these settings
Can you quickly say if you want the colors to fade behind messages and on buttons. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. If this checkbox is hidden then it is shown in the second list of checkboxes below. You can say which colors you want to fade in more detail on this “Effects2” section of these settings
Can you quickly say whether you want the boards of players sitting opposite you across your table to face away from you. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can say more about how to reverse the boards on the “Layout” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose to see all numbers that can be called, without going into the settings. A checkbox can be shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can also choose to see all numbers on the “Effects” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose whether to show statistics with the scoreboard and progress bar. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. If this checkbox is hidden then it is shown in the second list of checkboxes below. One statistic is the average number of balls to get a “#”. You can say whether you want statistics on the scoreboard or progress bar on the “Effects” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose whether to show the charts near the scoreboard and progress bar. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. If this checkbox is hidden then it is shown in the second list of checkboxes below. One chart shows how many numbers the caller reads out before a player has a “line” or “house”. You can choose which charts are near the scoreboard and progress bar in these settings
Can you quickly choose whether to use the keyboard to play the game. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games
Can you quickly say you are using a touchscreen device, without going into the settings. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can also say you are using a touchscreen on the “Effects” section of these settings
Can you quickly choose a layout suitable for a touch-screen such as an iPad or tablet, without going into the settings. A checkbox is normally shown on the page you see at first and between games. You can also say you want a touch-screen layout on the “Effects” section of these settings
Is there a color gradient in the background of what the caller and players say where you need to press a “Continue” button? Are there gradients behind the warnings? This may not work on old browsers
Are color gradients used in the background of the scoreboard? Are there color gradients in the grey-out over the scoreboard and the boards? This may not fully work on old browsers
Are color gradients used in the background of the options that are grouped together in the settings? The background of these groups is not colored at all when the “Size of settings” option is set to “Small” in the “Layout” section of the settings. A “Small” layout is the default for a touch-screen
Is there a color gradient on most of the buttons? On an iPad or iPhone, this setting may make the buttons be rectangles and not round. Animated buttons are set with the next option. This setting also applies to fields when you focus on them. This setting may not work on old browsers
Is there a color gradient on buttons that may quickly vary their color to get your attention? Some examples are the “Continue” buttons. On an iPad or iPhone, this may make the buttons be rectangles and not round. Changing the gradient quickly may slow down the game. This may not work on old browsers
Is there a color gradient on the progress bar? Are there color gradients on the bars around the progress bar? The progress bar is a box that gets wider as more numbers are read out by the caller. This may not work on old browsers
Is there a color gradient in the background of the longer descriptions of settings such as this one and the longer descriptions of errors such as when you try to restore settings when there are none saved? Is there a color gradient in the background of some tips? It may not be easy to see the difference. This may not work on old browsers
Is there a color gradient in the circles around the numbers in the lists of numbers called out this far? This makes the numbers more like the balls picked out by the caller in real-life. It may not be easy to see the difference. This may not work on old browsers
Is your board displayed when a game is in progress? (Your board is shown between games except when you are playing continuously with the the “Play forever” option set on in the “General” section of the settings). Your board needs to be displayed if the numbers read out by the caller are positioned centered above or below your board. This “Show your board” option can be turned off when gathering statistics. If the computer plays for you then the computer will mark your squares which slows the game down. One statistic is how many numbers are read out, on average, before a player has a
Show the number on the ball most recently picked out by the caller? Show the number in words or the nickname for the number? If this option is to be set on, then the “Show your board during game?” option should also be set on when the called number is positioned centered above or below your board. Both these options can be turned off when gathering statistics as the updates to the screen slow down the game. One statistic is the average number of balls needed to get a
Is a “Skip” button shown when players or the caller are talking? Press this button to stop the talking and continue with the game This option can be turned off when gathering statistics as the game plays quickly and the “Skip” button is only briefly shown. One statistic is how many balls are called out, on average, before a player has a
Is a count of the games played so far displayed when a game is in progress? This count is also shown between games when the “Play forever” option is on in the “General” section of the settings. This count is the number of games started and differs from the count in the statistics which is the number of games with a “line” or “house” or where you run out of balls. This option can be turned on when gathering statistics, so you can see how many games have been played so far. One statistic is how many numbers are read out, on average, before a player has a
Is the average time the games have taken so far displayed when a game is in progress? This average is also shown between games when the “Play forever” option is on in the “General” section of the settings. This average is for all games started regardless of whether the game gets as far as a player calling “line” or “house”. There are no timings shown in the first game after this option is set on. This option can be turned on when gathering statistics, so that you can see how long it is going to take to play a certain number of games. One statistic is how many numbers are read out, on average, before a player has a
Is the number of games played so far displayed in-between games?. This is the number of games “completed” where someone has a “line” or “house”, or when the caller runs out of numbers to read out. This also shows what you were playing for: either a “line” then a “house”, or just for a “house”
Can the boards of players be highlighted by coloring the border purple? Can the squares on boards be highlighted by coloring the background purple? Can numbers in the list of numbers read out so far be highlighted with a red ring? (this only happens when the numbers look like balls). An example of highlighting is when a player calls a “#” and the caller goes through checking the numbers. If the board of the player is not shown then her board will be drawn, updated and highlighted. This setting can be turned off when gathering statistics to speed up the game. One statistic is the average numbers of balls read out before a player has a
Is a warning shown next to the scoreboard when the number of players calling “line” or “house” at the same time exceeds a limit? The limit is set in the “Max players calling house together” option. If the limit is reached then some players who have a “line” or “house” may not appear in the scoreboard. The checking that gives this warning takes a little extra time. This setting might be turned off when gathering statistics. One statistic is how many numbers are read out, on average, before a player has a
Are colors used to highlight parts of the:
  • long descriptions of options
  • error messages
  • warnings
  • tips
Some parts are made italic. The colors make these messages more interesting to read
As well as rounding the corners, the look of the buttons is changed. This is done because on some systems, setting round corners removes the default styling of the buttons. Some systems already have nice looking buttons and so there is no need to set this option. This setting also applies to the distribution data near the scores, the settings menu shown for a touch-screen device, and the large areas for entering text in these settings. How round the corners are, is set by the “Other round corners” option in the “Sizes2” section of the settings. These round corners only work on modern browsers
Are drop shadows added to the buttons when their look is changed when you add round corners? If you add round corners then the buttons may lose their nice default look. Therefore the look of the buttons is improved which includes drop shadows. Some systems have nice round corners by default, so you do not need to add them. This setting also applies to the distribution data near the scores, the settings menu shown for a touch-screen device, and the large areas for entering text in these settings. These shadows may not work on old browsers
As well as rounding the corners, the look of the fields is changed. The fields are in these settings. This is done because on some systems, if you set round corners then the default styling of the fields is replaced with a simpler style. Some systems already have nice looking fields and so there is no need to set this option. How round the corners are, is set by the “Round corners on fields” option in the “Sizes2” section of the settings. These round corners only work on modern browsers
Are shadows added inside the fields when their look is changed when you add round corners? The fields are in these settings. These shadows suggest depth and make the fields look “inset”. If you add round corners then the fields may lose their nice default look. Therefore the look of the fields is improved which includes shadows inside the fields. Some systems have nice round corners by default, so you do not need to add them. These shadows may not work on old browsers
Are distinctive typefaces chosen randomly at the start for the different parts of the game?  Do the typefaces of the text around your board vary a little between games? To stop all this, set this option off, then save the settings with the “Load saved settings at start of game” option set on in the “General” section of these settings, and then reload the game
Is a bar chart shown near the scoreboard? This chart shows how many numbers were read out by the caller before a player correctly called “line” or “house”? How does this vary across games? I have collected some statistics
Is a distribution chart shown near the scoreboard? This chart shows the pattern behind how many numbers need to be read out by the caller before players correctly call “line” or “house”. I have collected some statistics
Is the distribution data shown near the scoreboard? This data shows the pattern to how many numbers were read out by the caller before players correctly called “line” or “house”. I have collected some statistics
Are color gradients used in the background of the charts near the scoreboard?. This also applies to the large areas for entering text in these settings. This may not fully work on old browsers
Are color gradients used in the bars of the charts near the scoreboard? This may not fully work on old browsers
Is a small “line/house” bar chart shown near the progress bar? This chart shows how many numbers were read out by the caller before a player correctly called “line” or “house” How does this vary across games? The chart is updated as the game is played. I have collected some statistics
Is a small “marks” bar chart shown near the progress bar? This chart shows how many numbers are marked on the boards of the players. A player marks a number on her board when the number is read out by the caller. This chart is updated as the game is played
Are color gradients used in the bars of the “line/house” chart near the progress bar? This chart shows how many numbers were read out by the caller before a player correctly called “line” or “house”. This may not fully work on old browsers
Are color gradients used in the bars of the “marks” chart near the progress bar? This chart shows how many numbers are marked on the boards of the players. A player marks a number on her board when the number is read out by the caller. This chart is updated as the game is played. This may not fully work on old browsers
Are detailed statistics gathered about how many numbers were called with a particular number of players? If so then a table and average are shown within the statistics next to the scoreboard. Gathering these statistics slows down the game a little bit
Order of table in statistics:
Numbers called
What is the order of the rows in the table in the statistics? The table shows how many numbers were called out when there were a given number of players. The table can be ordered by the number of players or by how many numbers were called (descending). You can also click the headings of the table to change the order
Are color gradients used when a row is highlighted in the table in the statistics? The table shows how many numbers were called out for a given number of players. This may not fully work on old browsers
Is there a pie chart which shows how many numbers were read out by the caller when there were a given number of players? This pie chart is with the statistics near the scoreboard. Therefore the “Show statistics in scoreboard?” option in the “Effects” section of these setting must be on in order to see this pie chart
Is there a shadow under the pie chart which shows how many numbers were read out by the caller when there was a given number of players?
When show tip on pie charts:
When is the tip shown on the pie charts? One pie chart shows how many numbers were read out broken down by how many players there were. This pie chart is by the scoreboard. Another pie chart shows the time left before the caller reads out the next number. This pie chart is by the progress bar. This pie chart can also be a bar. This tip can be shown when you “hover” the mouse over the pie charts or when you “click” the charts. On a touch-screen device like a tablet, a “tap” is taken as a “click
Type of “countdown” chart:
What represents how much time is left until the caller reads out the next number? Is the time shown as the slice of a “pie”? Does the “pie” have a hole and look like a “donut”? Or is a simple “bar” shown? The “pie” and “donut” may not work on old browsers. #The “bar” may slow down the game on very old computers
Is a small “countdown” chart shown near the progress bar? This chart shows how much time there is before the next number is called out. This time may be represented as the size of the segment of a “pie” or “donut”, or the height of a “bar”
Is a color gradient used in the “countdown” chart near the progress bar? The “countdown” chart shows how much time is left before the caller reads out the next number. The time may be represented by the segment of a “pie” or“donut”, or the height of a “bar”. This may not fully work on old browsers
Is a small “heartbeat” chart shown near the progress bar? This chart shows how many numbers the players mark on their boards when the caller reads out each number
Is a color gradient used for the bars in the “heartbeat” chart near the progress bar? The “heartbeat” chart shows many numbers the players mark on their boards each time a number is read out by the caller
Type of “speedometers”:
What represents how close you are to getting a 'line' or 'house, compared to the average of the other players (left) and the average from lots of games (right)? Is a “needle” or a “segment” shown on a dial? Or is a simple “bar” shown? See the statistics. It is hard to keep up with lots of players. The “needle” and “segment” may not work on old browsers. #The “bar” may slow down the game on very old computers
Are 2 small “speedometers” shown near the progress bar? The “speedos” show how close are you to getting a “line” or “house”, compared to the other players (left) and the average from lots of games (right). A “log” scale exaggerates the difference. The end of the scale is where you have marked 5 more (or less) numbers than the averages. See the statistics. It is hard to keep up with lots of players
Are color gradients used in the “speedometers” near the progress bar? The “speedometers” show how close you are to getting a “line” or “house”, compared to the other players (left) and the average from playing lots of games (right). The difference may be represented by a “needle” or a “segment” on a dial, or the height of a “bar”. See the statistics. It is hard to keep up with lots of players. This may not fully work on old browsers
Is a digital “stopwatch” shown near the progress bar? The “stopwatch” show how much time the game has taken this far, in numbers as minutes, seconds (and hours)
Are there “dividers” (e.g. bars) between the checkboxes on the page you see at the start? On a touch-screen device like a tablet, by default, no “dividers” are shown as each checkbox is usually on a line by itself
Is a special dialog box shown to confirm choices rather than the default dialog box for the browser? The default “confirm” dialog box may only partly stop the animations shown during the game, which looks wrong. The “confirm” dialog box is shown, for example, when you press the “End” button during a game. On a tablet or phone, the default “confirm” dialog box may look best. The width of the bespoke “confirm” dialog box can be set in the “Width of bespoke confirm box” option in the “Sizes3”” section of these settings
Is a smiley emoticon shown next to the name of a player when the player shouts “line” or “house”? Is an angry face emoticon shown when the caller says a player was wrong to call “line” or “house”? These emoticons may not be displayed on very old browsers
Are the icons shown? For example, is an exclamation mark in a circle shown next to messages? These icons may not scale too well
Is there a colourful picture in the background of the page where you can start a game? The picture is a small SVG. The picture is shown on the page where you can choose to change your board, go to the settings or scoreboard, or start watching or playing a game. The online game has a variety of pictures. The picture is meant to help you feel relaxed. The theme is generally 'a green and pleasant land', being British. The background picture may not be displayed on very old browsers
Are there faded colors in the background, but not on the first page? Are there faint rainbows made of color gradients in the background? The first page you see usually has a picture instead (see the “Background on first page?” option in this section of the settings). These background colors may make it harder to read the text. You can make the background colors slowly change with the “Animate page background?” option in the “Animations” section of the settings. These background colors may not be displayed on very old browsers
Are the scrollbars colored? The colors change about thirty to sixty seconds. There may also be a pattern on the scrollbars. The scrollbars may move slowly when they are colored. This only works on Chrome, Safari and other 'webkit' browsers, but not Firefox
Are special “sliders” shown? There are “sliders” in the “Sound” section of these settings. These “sliders”, for example, let you specify the volume of the sound. On a tablet or phone, the default “sliders” may look best
Do the “sliders” have shadows? There are “sliders” in the “Sound” section of these settings. These “sliders”, for example, let you specify the volume of the sound. These shadows suggest depth. These shadows only take effect when the “Use bespoke sliders” option is on in this section of the settings. These shadows may not work on old browsers
Are color gradients used in the sliders? There are sliders for the volume in the “Sound” section of these settings. These color gradients only take effect when the “Use bespoke sliders” option is on in this section of the settings. This may not work on old browsers
Do the “sliders” have round corners? There are “sliders” in the “Sound” section of these settings. These “sliders”, for example, let you specify the volume of the sound. How round the corners are, is set by the “Round corners on sliders” option in the “Sizes2” section of the settings. These round corners only take effect when the “Use bespoke sliders” option is on in this section of the settings. These round corners only work on modern browsers
When a player leaves, her board will shrink and fade away. When a player joins, her board will expand and fade in with the colors going from light to dark. This animation slows down the game and may not work in all browsers
In real life, the player gives her old board to the person calling out the numbers and chooses a new board from a selection that the caller has. The animation tries to copy this
To help you notice that the game has paused after a message has appeared, the button you press to continue the game is shown changing color
Does the color of some of the words gradually change, sometimes going through the colors of a rainbow? A few phrases will just have a fixed color. The words are colored to make the game more fun. The colors may make the words less clear. This setting also makes some of the fields in these settings gradually change color. This setting also controls whether the icons in these settings fade out and back in
Is a text smiley like :-) shown in the page title in the header of the browser tab and maybe also in the title bar of the window? The smiley changes every ten to twenty seconds. The length of the browser tab may change accordingly and this may be distracting. Some consider it bad form to animate the page title like this
Is the smoke of the coffee cup and the open mouth of a smile animated? Does the smoke of the coffee cup move left and right? Does the mouth of the smiley open and close near to where players chat?
Do the buttons flip over or fade away when you press them? The buttons immediately rotate or fade away and then spring back into shape. The 'Update' button during a game is a good example. Sometimes you cannot see the animation as the page changes too quickly. This option also controls whether buttons, text and charts grow in size when you hover over them
Do the faded colors in the background of the page slowly change, but not on the first screen? Do the faint rainbows made of color gradients in the background slowly change? The first page you see usually has a picture instead (see the “Background on first page?” option in the “Effects4” section of the settings). The colors in the page background change about every twenty seconds. These background colors may make it harder to read the text. You can choose to see a fixed colored background with the “Background on other pages?” option in the “Effects4” section of the settings. The background colors may not change on very old browsers
For example, after a player has correctly called a line, the word “line” is shown increasing in size and fading away. This helps you know when the aim of the game has changed from a line to a house. Some of these animations are taken from elsewhere and are listed in the “credits
For example, after a player has called a house and her numbers have been checked, the word “house” is shown moving away from the center in a spiral whilst fading away. Some of these animations are taken from elsewhere and are listed in the “credits
Is the brief description of the game animated on the first screen? For example, the description may be rotated. The idea is to draw attention to the description. These animations may not work on old browsers
Do animations appear during a game whilst the numbers are being called out? For example, an old lady may walk across the screen. Some of these animations come from the '' website. Others of these animations are taken from elsewhere and are listed in the “credits”. These animations should not slow down the game too much as the animations can mainly run on a separate graphics chip (GPU). These animations may run down the battery on a tablet or phone. These animations may stutter when playing the background music on Firefox on Windows - see the “Hear background music?” option in the “Effects” section of these settings. These animations run best on the Chrome browser. These animations may not work on old browsers
Is the bar of a player in the “marks” chart animated when the player has a “house”? This chart shows how many numbers are marked on the boards of the players. This chart is shown near the progress bar. The bar is made to flash. Also, are the “speedometers” animated when you are far behind? The “speedometers” show how well you are doing compared to the other players and the average from playing lots of games These animations are turned off for tablets and phones, by default. This is because these animations may slow down the display of the players checking their numbers with the caller. These animation may not work on old browsers
Is the page animated away and in, when you go to and from these settings or scoreboard, or to and from the screen where you choose a new board? The pages may be zoomed out and in, or moved away and back. These animations are fun, but may be annoying. These animations may not work on old browsers
Is the animation the same, and stays the same, when you go to and from different pages? These pages are where you start a game, these settings, the scoreboard, and where you change board. The pages may be zoomed out and in, or moved away and back. It is confusing (but fun) if the pages go off in ever changing directions. These animations may not work on old browsers
Are the the numbers animated when the caller reads out the numbers? For example, the numbers may zoom in or spiral out. These animations should not slow down the game too much as the animations can run on a separate graphics chip (GPU). These animations may run down the battery on a tablet or phone. These animations are not shown when the time between called numbers is less than one second. See the “Seconds between calling numbers” option in the “General” section of these settings. These animations may not work on old browsers
Do the animations stay the same when the caller reads out a series of numbers? These animations introduce each called number by, for example, fading in or zooming in the numbers. It may be annoying if the animations are all different. These animations may not work on old browsers
Do you hear the numbers being read out by the caller?
Do you hear the caller checking the numbers of players who call “line” or “house”? Also do you hear the players calling “line” or “house”? Also do you hear the caller saying players have left, joined or changed boards?
Do you hear the players talking to each other and asking the caller questions? This chatting may make it difficult to concentrate on the numbers being called out.
Do you hear music playing softly in the background during the game as the caller reads out the numbers? Some of this music comes from the “” website. This background music may cause some animations to stutter on Firefox on Windows - see the “Animations during game?” option in the “Animations” section of these settings. The background music may not work on very old browsers
Type of background music:
What sort of music plays in the background? Is it “pop” music, for example “rock”? Or is it “classical” music, for example a piece by “Beethoven”?
Do you want to follow the recommendations for how loud the “classical” music sounds when playing in the background? The “classical” music can be quiet at times. So the “classical” music needs to be played much louder than the pop music. Therefore there there are some suggestions for how loud the “classical” music is. You can turn off these suggestions here
Do people sometimes clap or cheer when players call “line” or “house”? Do people sometimes “boo” when it turns out players are wrong to call “line” or “house”? Some of these sounds come from the “” website - see the “credits”. The applause may not work on very old browsers
Are there background sounds? For example, an ambulance may go by or a cat might shriek. Some of these sounds come from the “” website - see the “credits”. These random background sounds may not work on very old browsers
Is a short piece of music played as you enter or leave the settings, scoreboard or the page to choose a new board? Some of this music comes from the “” website - see the “credits”. These sounds between pages may not work on very old browsers
Do you wish to use a simple way of using a new method of playing sounds with the “Web Audio” interface'? This method promises to be better at playing short sounds like those used in games. This option uses an old way (the “Audio” tag) to load and play the sounds. The sounds are then put through “Web Audio. On Windows, I find this option makes playing sounds more reliable with the “Firefox” browser, but the sounds can be slow to load when playing the online games with “Firefox”. On Windows, with this option, I do not hear any sound with the “Chrome” browser when the sounds are on my computer rather than a website. On Windows, with this option, with the “Chrome” browser, the game sometimes freezes or loses the sound when playing the online games. The “Internet Explorer” browser does not support “Web Audio”, but the newer “Edge” browser does
Do you wish to use a more complex way of using a new method of playing sounds with the “Web Audio” interface'? This method promises to be better at playing short sounds like those used in games. With this option, the game manually loads in the sound (with Ajax) and then “Web Audio” plays the sound. This option only works with the online games. On Windows, I find this option makes playing sounds more reliable with the “Chrome” browser. With the “Firefox” browser on Windows, this option may make the sounds load quicker than with the “Use “Web Audio”?” option. The “Internet Explorer” browser does not support “Web Audio”, but the newer “Edge” browser does. If this option and the “Use “Web Audio”? option are both set on, then rawWeb Audio” is used if it is supported
Is the name of the folder containing the sound files changed to make the name suitable for a browser? For example, a folder name starting with a drive letter (like “C:”) is changed to something all browsers understand (a URI) by:
  • turning backslashes (“\”) into slashes (“/”)
  • adding “file://” to the front of the name
These changes are made when you enter a value in the “Sound folder” field

The scoreboard may not contain all the scores as too many players called 'line' or 'house' at the same time.

See the the option 'Max players calling house together' on the 'Effects3' section of the settings

Chart showing number of balls to get a line or house
No-one has a line or house yet
Game number
Number of balls to get a line
Number of balls to get a house
Distribution of number of balls to get a line or house
No-one has a line or house yet


of times

Number of balls to get a line or house
Data for the distribution of number of balls to get a line or house
No-one has a line or house yet
No lines yet
No houses yet

Remember to mark the numbers on your board when they are called out, by clicking your mouse on them.

Click the 'Update' button to mark all the numbers on your board correctly

Click the 'Continue' button to carry on with the game

Click the 'Start' button to carry on with the game

Last few: 34, 8, 76, 41, 48
All so far: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Count balls:
Click a board
Version 1.53
• Loading...
