Faded background for page
Drawing of a bird

British Bingo Changes

Date last changed



Here are the release notes for the British Bingo game:

  1. Version 1.53, 18 May 2024, 1.11751

    Stable release: adds more animations and supports 'dark mode'

    1. Add more animations and icons
    2. Add support for 'dark mode', 'more contrast' and 'less motion'
  2. Version 1.52, 27 September 2021, 1.10184

    Stable release: adds 2 animations

    1. Add animations during a game and when a players has a “line”
    2. Add dials showing how well you are doing
  3. Version 1.51, 23 January 2020, 1.8283

    Stable release: adds more animations

    1. Add more animations whilst the caller is reading out the numbers
    2. Add a few animations when a player has a “line” or “house”
    3. Add the animation of the numbers as they are read out
    4. Let you play the game with the keyboard
    5. Fix bug where an iPad shows the layout meant for a desktop
  4. Version 1.50, 27 November 2018, 1.7815

    Stable release: adds a few more animations

    1. Add a few animations whilst the caller is reading out the numbers
    2. Add the sound of applause when a player has a “line” or “house”
  5. Version 1.49.1 alpha1, 5 May 2018, 1.7365

    Early release: fixes bug where with the online game on Chrome there is no sound

    1. Chrome now only starts playing sound on a user interaction
  6. Version 1.49, 19 April 2018, 1.7365

    Stable release: adds two charts and three animations

    1. Add two small charts showing:
      • the time left before the caller reads out the next number
      • how many numbers the players mark on their boards each time the caller reads out a number
    2. Add two animations when a player has a “house”, showing an old lady
    3. Add an animation when a player has a “line”, showing stars
  7. Version 1.48, 11 December 2017, 1.7113

    Stable release: makes the sound more reliable

    1. Add a small file of sounds of just the caller reading out the numbers
    2. Make the sound more reliable by using “Web Audio”. Firefox is best. Chrome is good with the online games
    3. Add sound to the online games. Try bbingo.xyz
    4. Let you specify a folder for the sound files
    5. Add a pie chart showing how many numbers were read out when there was a given number of players
  8. Version 1.47, 15 February 2017, 1.6659

    Stable release: adds a chart showing how many numbers players have got so far

    1. Add a small chart showing how many numbers have been marked on the boards of the players
    2. Add more fonts. Add more colors to the help text. Add round corners to buttons and fields
  9. Version 1.46, 27 June 2016, 1.6317

    Stable release: adds charts of the number of balls to get a line or a house

    1. Add charts near the scoreboard. These charts how many numbers were read out by the caller before a player correctly called “line” or “house”
    2. Make the players talk faster. Add an option for this in the “General” section of the settings
    3. Let you save the settings when running Chrome locally (not online)
    4. Show statistics about the number of players near the scoreboard
    5. Add animations where if a player has a house then the page is blurred or the colors turn grey, black or white
  10. Version 1.45, 28 January 2016, 1.5933

    Stable release: adds graphs of the number of balls to get a line or a house

    1. Reduce the size of your board to fit a smaller tablet
    2. List the players whose boards you cannot see because they are not sitting at your table
    3. If you have clicked on your board to find out whether we are playing for a line or a house, then if your board moves then the message moves with your board
    4. You can now see how strong a player is by hovering over (or clicking) their name in the scoreboard
    5. Show the total number of balls taken to get the lines and houses in the statistics below the scoreboard. Show a more precise average and standard deviation when you hover or click these numbers in the statistics
    6. Make it easier to gather statistics: press “Setup” on the “General” section of the settings
    7. Add graphs of the average number of balls to get a “line” or a “house” as the number of players varies: see the 'Stats' link on the first screen
    8. Add more faded colors, shadows and round corners to the settings and scoreboard
    9. Add an animation that makes the word “house” glow
    10. Animate the introduction at the start of the game
    11. Fix bug where the shadow on a board partly obscures the name of the player
    12. Fix bug where the shadows are too prominent on the numbers on the boards of players
    13. Fix bug where the words near the progress bar are too small to read easily on a tablet
    14. Fix bug where the caller may repeat themselves unnecessarily when you interrupt the caller checking the numbers of a player who has called “line” or “house”
    15. Fix bug where you cannot hear the sounds in Ogg format with Firefox
    16. Fix bug on Chrome and Firefox where sounds can run into each other
  11. Version 1.44, 20 July 2015, 1.5356

    Stable release: adds statistics and a progress bar

    1. Say how many games have been played and how many numbers it took to get a house or a line. This is under the scoreboard. This is optional - see the “Special Effects” section of the settings
    2. Say when not enough numbers have been read out to call “line” or “house”
    3. Run out of balls less when you do not call “house”
    4. You can change your name in the scoreboard by clicking on your name
    5. Show the names of the players on the first page. Hover over or click these names to show how strong a player is. Hover over or click a board to see how strong a player is and how many lines or houses a player has
    6. Add an optional progress bar showing the number of balls called out so far
    7. A player is unlikely to change her board if she has just got a line or house
    8. Add an option to automatically keep on playing game after game, for a demo or to gather statistics. See the “General” section of the settings
    9. Add an option to hide the lists of numbers called out so far. See the “Special Effects” section of the settings
    10. Add longer descriptions of some of the settigs
    11. Add more reasons for players to leave the game. There are more sounds for these
    12. Add more ways for players to say “well done” when you have a line or house
    13. Add another animation when a player has a “line”, which rotates a cube with the letters of the word “line” on the faces of the cube
    14. The animation that rotates the page now also does so in 3D
    15. The animation that makes copies of the page now rotates the copies
    16. Fix bug where: if a player has called line wrongly and the player takes the counter off the wrong number, then the shadow of the counter is stil shown
    17. Fix bug where: if you update your board just after a number has been called then the number may not be marked
  12. Version 1.43, 13 December 2014, 1.4628

    Stable release: highlight more numbers and boards (there are new sounds)

    1. Highlight more squares and numbers when players join, players chat, numbers are called and players shout “line”
    2. Highlight more of the boards of players when the players chat
    3. Highlight the squares of the line when a player calls line but we are going for a house
    4. The caller and players say to call out the numbers 'again' when players call “line” or “house” several times in one game
    5. Highlight the boards of players when they start speaking rather than when they finish speaking when going through their numbers after the players have called “line” or “house”
    6. Respond quicker when you call “line” or “house” whilst the caller is checking the numbers of another player who has called “line” or “house”
    7. When checking a call of “line” or “house”, and the caller asks for a number to be repeated, and you call “line” or “house” after the number is repeated, then the player now says the number again before the caller says “yes” or “no”
    8. When checking a call of “line” or “house”, and the caller asks for a number to be repeated, and you call “line” or “house” when the caller asks or the player replies, then now the player starts again by saying her number
    9. When checking a call of “line” or “house”, highlight the numbers for longer
    10. If a player says that you forgot to mark a square then your board and the board of the player and the square are highlighted
    11. Have fewer players as less old folk play now and you can win more
    12. Players call line/house wrongly less often
    13. Extend the animations to rotate the word “line” in 3 dimensions and rotate the letters of the word “house” in 3 dimensions
    14. Fix bug where if a player calls “house” and the last ball has been called then the caller still checks the numbers with the player
    15. Fix bug when if the caller is going through the numbers of a player who has called line or house, then if you interrupt by calling line or house, then your board is not highlighted when the caller finishes going through the numbers and says whether you or the player was correct
    16. Fix bug where if you click several times before the game responds then the replies from the caller come out in reverse order, when you call line or house while the caller is going through the numbers of a player after the player has called line or house
    17. Fix bug where a player will not say that she has just had her first number if her board is not shown
    18. Fix bug where if the players do not chat and you call house after a player shouts line then the caller ignores your call of house
    19. Fix bug where if the caller is checking a shout of “line” and you interrupt by calling “line” wrongly, then the board of the other player is left highlighted while the caller says why your call is wrong
    20. Fix bug where you cannot call “line”, after you have called “line” and other players also called “line”
    21. Fix bug where your board is not highlighted at the end of the message box when: a player calls line and you call line while the caller is checking the numbers, and you do not have a line, and you then skip to the end of the message box
    22. Fix bug where the caller is checking the numbers of a player who called line, and the player says “do I call out my numbers?” and the caller says “yes”, and you then call line yourself, and the player again says “do I call out my numbers?” and then the same player wrongly says “yes”
    23. Fix bug where if you put a counter over a number on your board then the color of the number is as though no counter is over the number
    24. Fix bug where the sound goes off in the middle of a game with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 on an old computer
    25. Fix bug where the game says for you “it's my first ball”, even when the computer is not playing for you
    26. Fix bug where another player may say that you have the last number read out by the caller even if you have just called “line” and mentioned the number
    27. Fix bug where the detailed error message is in the wrong place when: you restore settings when there are none and you have the “touch” option on and you change the font size of the browser
  13. Version 1.42, 7 August 2014, 1.4447

    Stable release: highlight the number last called in the list of numbers called

    1. When a number is called out, highlight the number in the list of numbers called out so far
    2. If a number is highlighted on the board of a player then if the number has been called then highlight the number in the list of numbers called out so far
    3. In the introduction, say how many players there are
    4. Add another animation when a player has a “house”, which rotates the letters of the word “house”
    5. Fix bug where if you changed the font size of the browser then the help message on the first screen could be left in the wrong position. This only happened when the help message was toggled on and off, when the “touch” features were set on
    6. Fix bug where you did not hear the caller say “those are all the ones we've had”. The file name for the sound was spelt wrongly
    7. Fix bug where you did not hear some players say “finally”
    8. Make the code more compact. For example:
      • Shorten the names of more local variables and function parameters
      • Remove more “=== true” in tests when not necessary
  14. Version 1.41, 8 July 2014, 1.4398

    Stable release: show all the numbers as they are called

    1. Show all the numbers and color them in when they are called
    2. Add a “Cancel” button below the boards when you choose a new board
    3. Add another animation when a player has a “line”, which rotates the word “line”
    4. Fix bug where entering zero in the “Scale factor for checkboxes” field on the “More Sizes” page of the settings gives the error “Cannot be minus”
    5. Make the code more compact. For example:
      • Shorten the names of more local variables and function parameters
      • Remove “=== true” in tests when not necessary
      • Use a common function with a short name for “getElementById”
  15. Version 1.40, 4 June 2014, 1.4303

    Stable release: other boards at your table can face away from you

    1. The boards of players who are sitting across the table from you can now face away from you
    2. Add another animation when a player has a “house”, which rotates the page
    3. Fix bug where if you mark the numbers on your board before watching a game then the marks remain when you watch the game and you cannot clear the marks
    4. Fix bug where the “More Sizes” option is shown on the first page even when the browser does not support color gradients
    5. Fix bug with Firefox where the fields on the “More Sizes” section of the settings have a red border
    6. Fix bug where there is no error message with the fields on the “More Sizes” section of the settings when the content of the fields is invalid
    7. Fix bug where on Chrome in the settings there is a line between the active tab and its page
    8. Make the code a little more compact. For example, use short variable names for the prototypes of objects that are used often
  16. Version 1.39, 5 April 2014, 1.4130

    Stable release: numbers called so far now look like balls (there are new sounds)

    1. The numbers called out so far have circles around them to look like the balls picked out by the caller in real life
    2. The default values for the options about fading colors, on the “More Effects” page of the settings, now depend on whether the browser supports linear and radial gradients
    3. Add more reasons for players to leave the game. Add more unusual things for the caller to say. There are more sounds for these
    4. On an iPad, only show for a short time the warning about the screen being in landscape mode
    5. It is now less likely that the same two animations occur twice in a row
    6. The source provided is much closer to the rough version the developer uses
    7. Add another animation when a player has a “line”, which moves parts of the game around
    8. Some variables names that were partly shortened are now shortened as a whole
    9. Fix bug where the game stops with an error when the animation that looks like credits from a film follows the animation that spirals out with a tail
    10. Fix bug where a player left to play “hoolpa” rather than “hoopla”
  17. Version 1.38, 21 February 2014, 1.3975

    Stable release: now you can have color gradients; also fixes 7 bugs

    1. Add color gradients to the messages, buttons and scoreboard
    2. If you are running Window 8 or later and using Internet Explorer or Firefox, then show the option to have a layout suitable for touch-screens, but have the option set off
    3. The hints on the “list of numbers called out” are now removed if you restore the settings you last saved, as it seems you have played before
    4. The hints on the (call) “line” and (call) “house” buttons are now removed once you have pressed them and when you restore any saved settings. Now when you have only one number left, you can leave the mouse over these buttons without the annoying hints appearing
    5. Add another animation when a player has a “house”, which looks like the credits of a film
    6. Fix bug where in the settings if you choose to have a layout suitable for a touch-screen then the called number may be too big
    7. Fix bug where what the players say starts with a double quote and ends with a single quote
    8. Fix bug where, with Internet Explorer 8, if you go to the settings pages more than five times then there is no sample phrase in the message box shown
    9. Fix bug where, on the first page, if you turn the “Shadows?” option off and on then all the shadows options come on in the “Special Effects” page of the settings even if some of these shadows will not work because the browser is too old
    10. Fix bug where there was no “Space below buttons” option in the small pull-down settings but there was this option in the alternative wider settings
    11. Fix bug with the help text for the “Round Corners?” option on the first screen. The help text says to specify how round at the bottom of the “Sizes” page of the settings. You now specify how round near the top of the “More Sizes” page
    12. Fix bug where the “Shadows?” option on the first screen does not always match the state of the related detailed options on the “More Effects” page of the settings when you restore settings you have saved or set the settings back to their defaults
  18. Version 1.37, 10 January 2014, 1.3874

    Stable release: now runs on an iPad and fixes 6 bugs

    1. Adjust the layout for an iPad
    2. You can now find out if we are playing for a “line” or a “house” by clicking on squares without numbers on your board as well as right-clicking on the squares
    3. Now you can put “<” and “>” in your name in the settings
    4. On a touch-screen, the game no longer asks you to 'press for 1 or 2 seconds' for a right-click
    5. Add another animation when a player has a “house”: dots are drawn on the screen
    6. Try to fix bug where the game stops after the animation that draws circles (or squares) within each other
    7. Fix bug with the “number of players” and “other players boards shown” settings on Internet Explorer 11 where the buttons to increase or decrease the numbers are not shown
    8. Fix bug where the hints on the 'list of numbers called out' are removed when you watch a game
    9. Fix bug where the animation that draws many copies of the game does not reflect the value of the “overall size” in the settings
    10. Fix bug where some mobile phones are not identified as touch-screen devices
    11. Fix bug where the “Continue” button for the scoreboard is not greyed-out in the settings
  19. Version 1.36, 16 November 2013, 1.3653

    Stable release fixing a bug and making small improvements

    1. Fix bug where the animations do not take into account any scrolling of the screen
    2. Add shadows under the numbers on the boards of the players to make the numbers look raised up
    3. Add shadows to the greyed out areas over the scoreboard and the boards of players
    4. On the settings screen, let you enter blank in the “button padding” sizes fields and in the “round corner” sizes fields. These blank entries are changed to zero's
    5. On the settings screen, if you enter a name with blanks before or after the name then show the name without blanks
    6. The number of players at the start of the game now varies as does the number o players' boards shown. You can choose whether each one varies
    7. You can now find out if we are playing for a “line” or a “house” by right-clicking on squares without numbers on your board
    8. Counters on squares with dark backgrounds now have light highlights on the left rather than dark shadows on the right, as the dark shadow is hard to see
    9. On the settings screen, the number fields are now spin-boxes. This only works on very new browsers
    10. Split the “Special Effects” page into two pages in the settings
    11. Group related settings together by using a different background colour
    12. On touch-screens, change messages that say “click” to say “press”, and say “press for 1 or 2 seconds” instead of “right-click”
    13. On touch-screens, toggle on and off the long descriptions of settings. If you use a mouse then the long descriptions are shown when the cursor is over the setting
    14. The prompts or “titles” on the lists of numbers called out are only shown at the start
    15. Add another animation when a player has a “line”: blinds are drawn across the screen
    16. Remove use of “superclass” in the JavaScript
  20. Version 1.35, 14 September 2013, 1.3465

    Stable release fixing 3 bugs and making small improvements

    1. Fix bug where there is too much space between the boards of players when the boards are small
    2. Fix bug with “squares” animation which runs after a player has a “line”. The squares are now transparent on newer browsers
    3. Fix bug where in the settings you cannot click on your board when the boards are greyed out
    4. Add more space around the words in buttons for particular browsers
    5. Add shadows under the numbers read out by the caller, the counters on boards, the scoreboard, the settings, messages and warnings, and longer descriptions of settings and errors. These shadows can be turned off in the settings. These shadows only work in newer browsers
    6. Add round corners for boards, messages, the scoreboard, settings, and long descriptions of settings and errors. You can say how round. These round corners only work in newer browsers
    7. Add three options on the first screen to let you quickly 1) stop players chatting and stop players leaving or joining, 2) turn off all the shadows, and 3) turn off round corners
    8. Add another animation when a player has a “house”
  21. Version 1.34, 12 August 2013, 1.3330

    Stable release fixing 2 bugs and making small improvements

    1. Fix bug where if you are playing for a house and a message is shown, then afterwards the “line” button is shown
    2. Fix bug where, if a player says you have the last number called, and there is a message shown saying you can click the numbers on your board, then if you click the number on your board, then the game does not continue and the number is not marked
    3. In the program, replace some constants held in variables with their values
    4. The caller may read the number on the ball wrongly when calling out the numbers
    5. The caller sometimes asks if we are playing for a “line” or a “house”
    6. The caller may say there are only a few numbers left after a player calls “house”
    7. Players may call “line” when we are playing for a “house”
    8. Players leave for a greater variety of reasons
    9. The caller occasionally says something odd like “whose having haddock?”
    10. Add more ways for the caller to say she has run out of numbers
    11. The caller sometimes says she is confused after a player asks about a number the player heard wrong
    12. The caller may sometimes say 'clear your boards' before a new game
    13. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
  22. Version 1.33, 27 June 2013, 1.3228

    Stable release fixing 3 bugs and making small improvements

    1. You can now choose to see small, medium or large versions of the setting screen
    2. Fix bug where the “Watch a game” button appears before the game has finished clearing the counters off the boards at the end of a game
    3. Fix bug where the shadows of the boards are not tall enough
    4. Fix bug where the caller does not check the numbers of a player after she has called “line” or “house” and another player has said that the caller does check the numbers
    5. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
  23. Version 1.32, 3 June 2013, 1.3150

    Stable release fixing a bug and making small improvements

    1. Fix bug where when you call line or house incorrectly and the game highlights the squares which have numbers that have not been called, then if you click on these square to take the mark off then the mark wrongly comes on
    2. You can now play without the players chatting or leaving or joining
    3. Add an option to set the padding around buttons
    4. Boards are now greyed-out by default when you look at the settings or scoreboard
  24. Version 1.31, 22 June 2013, 1.3098

    Stable release fixing 4 bugs and making small improvements

    1. If you press “line” or “house” incorrectly while a player is chatting with the caller, then the caller will say 'back to you, Joan' when the caller finishes checking your call
    2. If a player asks the caller if a number has been read out but the number has not, then the caller only lists all the numbers read out so far when a smaller amount of numbers have been read out
    3. Fix bug where when a player rejoins, her board is not highlighted
    4. Fix bug in Internet Explorer 6 where white outlines are shown around the numbers on the boards
    5. Fix bug where you get an error if you press the 'skip' button before a relateed board is shown. This happens when the caller is checking a call of line or house, or when a player joins
    6. Fix bug where a unrelated board appears in a message
    7. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
  25. Version 1.30, 22 April 2013, 1.3059

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. You can now skip past the caller reading out the numbers called so far when a player joins during a game
    2. You can have your boards greyed-out when you look at the settings or scoreboard
    3. You can reset the settings back to their defaults
    4. You can clear any settings you have stored. This deletes the game's cookie
    5. You always keep your score when you change your name
    6. Add another way of animating the word “house” when a player has a “house”
  26. Version 1.29, 10 April 2013, 1.3035

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. You can now skip past the caller checking the numbers of a player who has called “line” or “house”
    2. Attach the “audio” HTML tags to the body of the document and remove the “audio” tags at the end of a game
    3. Explain in the introduction that the boards of other players sitting at your table are shown
    4. Say in the introduction that you can play the game online
    5. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
  27. Version 1.28, 19 March 2013, 1.3008

    Stable release fixing 3 bugs and making 2 small improvements

    1. Fix bug where the board of a player is left highlighted when you end the game whilst the caller is checking the numbers of a player after the player has called “line” or “house”
    2. Fix bug where the scoreboard is wrong when you end the game when the caller is checking the numbers of a player after the player has called “line” or “house”
    3. Fix bug where you do not say “house” when you are watching a game and you have a “house”
    4. Try to fix bug where the sound gets ahead of the printed message when the caller replies to a player asking if a number has been called out and the caller says “no” and reads out all the numbers called so far
    5. You can now end the game early when you have a house and the caller is slowly checking the numbers of other players
    6. Add another way of animating the word “house” when a player has a “house”
  28. Version 1.27, 1 March 2013, 1.2982

    Stable release with small improvements

    1. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
    2. Players ask just once whether to call out their numbers when they have a “line” or “house”
    3. The sound pauses when the caller looks to see which numbers have been called
    4. Replace individual words with whole phrases for some of the sounds when a player leaves or joins the game
  29. Version 1.26, 14 February 2013, 1.2954

    Stable release with small improvements

    1. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
    2. Replace individual words with whole phrases for some of the sounds when the caller checks the numbers of a player who has a “line” or “house”
    3. Record again some sounds of players shouting “line” or “house”
  30. Version 1.25, 28 January 2013, 1.2925

    Stable release fixing 3 bugs and making 2 small improvements

    1. Add another way of animating the word “line” when a player has a “line”
    2. Replace individual words with whole phrases for some of the sounds when players leave, join, or change their boards
    3. Fix 3 bugs with the sound:
      • The game stops with an error when a player says she has the same numbers left as another player
      • A player says she only needs a few numbers. Another player says she needs some of the numbers as well and other numbers. You hear the numbers the second player needs in the wrong order
      • A player ask the caller if she has read out a number. The caller says “no” but she has called some others. You do not hear the caller say “I've called” or a similar phrase
  31. Version 1.24, 24 January 2013, 1.2888

    Stable release with 2 small improvements

    1. The caller does not always check the numbers when a player has a house
    2. You can now hear everything that is said
  32. Version 1.23, 12 December 2012, 1.2813

    Stable release with a small improvement

    1. You can now hear more of what is said after a player says “line” or “house”
    2. Optionally extract the sound files into a folder named “bbsound” next to the game and set the sound options on in the 'special effects' tab on the “settings” page. The sound may not work
  33. Version 1.22, 23 October 2012, 1.2705

    Stable release with a small improvement and 2 bug fixes

    1. You can hear the caller read out the numbers called so far when a player joins during a game. You can also hear the caller say that a player has joined, left or exchanged their board between games
    2. Optionally extract the sound files into a folder named “bbsound” next to the game and set the option on in the 'special effects' tab on the “settings” page. The sound may not work
    3. Fix a bug where after a player has a “house” and the letters of the word “house” are droping down the screen and you press the “continue” button then the letters are left on the screen as the game continues
    4. Fix a bug which stopped you putting the numbers called out to the right of your board
  34. Version 1.21, 10 September 2012, 1.2618

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. You can hear players check their numbers with the caller when they have a “house” or “line”
    2. When the caller reads out numbers, the sound is no longer sometimes distorted
    3. Optionally extract the sound files into a folder named “bbsound” next to the game and set the option on in the “special effects” tab on the “settings” page. The sound may not work
  35. Version 1.20, 15 August 2012, 1.2575

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. You can hear the sound in old versions of Internet Explorer
    2. The caller speaks louder when reading out numbers
    3. Add the sounds of the players calling “house” or “line”
    4. Optionally extract the sound files into a folder named “bbsound” next to the game and set the option on in the 'special effects' tab on the “setting” page. The sound may not work
  36. Version 1.19, 20 July 2012, 1.2548

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. Add the sounds of the numbers being called out. Optionally unzip the sound files next to the game and set the option on in the “special effects” tab on the “setting” page. The sounds do not work on old versions of Internet Explorer. The sounds may not work at all
    2. Vary the animation when a player has a “house”. Now a range of colours may go through the letters
    3. Shorten the names in the stylesheet some more
  37. Version 1.18, 9 July 2012, 1.2523

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. Show a warning when you press the “Pause” button and leave the game frozen for a long time
    2. Vary the animation when a player has a “house”. Now the letters may fall to the bottom of the screen
    3. The buttons put over the numbers on the boards are now round not square except on old versions of Internet Explorer
  38. Version 1.17, 29 June 2012, 1.2482

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. Remind you to click the “Continue” button below a message to carry on with the game
    2. Vary the animation when a player has a “line”
  39. Version 1.16, 18 June 2012, 1.2454

    Stable release fixing a bug and making small improvements

    1. Improve what someone says after she asks for a number to be repeated when:
      • the caller is checking shouts of “house” or “line”
      • a player joins during a game
    2. Add another way of animating the word “house” when all of the numbers of a player have been read out
    3. Make the caller less likely to ask a player to repeat the number when checking the player's numbers after a shout of “line” or “house”
    4. Keep the animations centred on the screen even when you scroll down (on browsers other than Internet Explorer). Likewise for the long message about trying to restore setting when you have not saved any
    5. The caller will now not say “and the last one is” when she goes through the numbers read out when a player joins during a game and only one number has been read out so far
  40. Version 1.15, 6 June 2012, 1.2428

    Stable release making small improvements

    1. Vary the way the word “house” is animated when someone has a full house
    2. Players can now say if it takes a long time to get their first number
    3. The caller can now say that a new game is starting
    4. The caller may ask the player to repeat her number when checking her numbers after a call of “line” or “house”. Likewise, a player may ask the caller to repeat a number when the caller reads out the numbers called so far when a player joins during a game
    5. When reading out a list of numbers the caller or a player can say when they rearch the last one
    6. A player can now simply ask the caller what the last number read out was
    7. Reduce how much the players talk with each other and the caller
  41. Version 1.14, 14 May 2012, 1.2360

    Stable release fixing a bug and making small improvements

    1. Remind you to mark the numbers on your board if you do not
    2. Have another way to animate the word “line” when someone has a row
    3. Fix a problem where you sometimes cannot end the game whilst the caller is going through the numbers of a player after a shout of “house” when you are watching a game
  42. Version 1.13, 5 May 2012, 1.2343

    Stable release fixing a bug and making small improvements

    1. Acknowledge your call of “line” or “house” before checking the “line” or “house” calls of other players. Another player or the caller says “well done”
    2. Have more variety in the reasons the caller gives for a player leaving
    3. Fix a problem where boards were left in the message box when more than one player had a “line” or “house” and you pressed the “end” (of game) button
    4. Reduce the size of the code a little by:
      • Combining some short lines
      • Adding short names for a few JavaScript functions
  43. Version 1.12, 17 April 2012, 1.2294

    Stable release with small changes

    1. When you have a huge number of players:
      • If you reduce their number and then you increase their number again:
        • Try to free up the memory used for the players when you reduce their number, rather than when you later increase the number of players again and the game re-uses their names
        • Speed up the part of the game that re-uses the player names from:
          • players that disappeared when you reduced a huge number of players, and
          • players who have left
    2. Fix a problem where players do not join the game
    3. Put a limit on the number of players considered when choosing players who may say that they almost have a “house”
    4. Take out the long pause when you then start a game after changing how much the players chat
    5. Stop the game from sometimes taking a long time to choose a player to rejoin
  44. Version 1.11, 28 March 2012, 1.2252

    Stable release with bug fixes

    When you have a large number of players:

    1. Stop the game pausing too long between calling out each number by allowing for the time the game takes for its work
    2. Vary the number of players who say they have the last number called
  45. Version 1.10, 14 March 2012, 1.2227

    Stable release with bug fixes

    1. Fix problems which occur when you play with a large number of players. On a modern computer you can have up to 15,000 players before Internet Explorer runs out of memory
    2. Fix problem where if a player joins during a game then she may not call “line” when she has one
    3. Fix problem where there is only one player other than you and she says you have forgotten to mark a square
  46. Version 1.09, 1 Feb 2012, 1.2134

    Stable release with bug fix

    1. Fix problems with the highlighting in red of your score in the scoreboard when you change your name. The problems were with the scoreboard shown below the settings form.
  47. Version 1.08, 27 Jan 2012, 1.2125

    Stable release with bug fixes

    1. Fix problems with the display and size of the shadows of boards when the shadow option in the settings screen is turned on and off several times.
    2. Stop an alert box appearing when a number on the board of a player is highlighted because the player is saying it is the last number read out, and the player decides to leave and her board starts to be faded out.
  48. Version 1.07, 30 Dec 2011, 1.2097

    Stable release with new feature and a bug fix

    1. A player may say that none of their numbers have been called out so far
    2. Fix bug where if you decide to have the players chat less, the players actually make more mistakes and call “house” more often when they should not.
  49. Version 1.06, 19 Dec 2011, 1.2075

    Test release with new feature

    When the number called out is a single digit and there is no nickname, the caller can say “Five”, “Number Five”, “Five, on it's own” or “Five, by itself”.

  50. Version 1.05, 18 Dec 2011, 1.2073

    Test release with new feature

    Say bingo numbers that are multiples of ten with no nickname, like 30, as “three oh” as well as “three and zero”.

  51. Version 1.04, 13 Dec 2011, 1.2065

    Test release with new feature

    If the last number read out by the caller is the age of a player, then the player may say “that's my age”.

  52. Version 1.03, 15 Nov 2011, 1.2025

    Stable release with new feature

    1. If the name you choose for yourself is the same as the name of another player, then add an initial to the name of the other player. Change the name of the other player in the scoreboard.
  53. Version 1.02, 11 Nov 2011, 1.2015

    Test release with new features

    1. Pick out your row in the scoreboard by coloring the text red
    2. To make the scoreboard easier to read, color the background of every other row yellow.
  54. Version 1.01, 10 Nov 2011, 1.2013

    Test release with a new feature and a bug fix

    1. The game continues if you click the number last read out when a player says you have it. When another player tries to help you by saying that you have the last number read out by the caller but you have not marked it on you board, if you mark the number whilst the player is saying this, the player will stop talking and the game will continue
    2. If the player has finished saying you that have not marked the number, and you have not clicked the number so far, so the “continue” button is shown, then if you now mark the number then the game will continue as if you had pressed the “continue” button
    3. Try to fix bug where “line|house|pause|update|end” buttons are left showing when a game ends
    4. add more player names.
  55. Version 1, 2 Nov 2011 1.2002

    First stable public version